Last week I posted a complaint and vented my frustration with my hosting provider. My freelance site was up the next day, after a series of sporadic outages. However the instability had me ready to seek new providers. I looked at a few sites and checked out rates. Today I logged in to my service provider to check when my next billing cycle would come. Lo and behold, a new company has taken over my hosting provider.
I drilled in through the new interface, checked on some of my services and like the improvements! For an additional buck and a half the new company will guaranty 99.9% up-time. I'm not going to upgrade just yet. My site has not come down since last week and I have been using it frequently via FTP. I have noticed major improvements with speed and accessibility. The response times in navigating through the mail and blog manager have also improved. So much so that - yes you guessed it, I have created yet another blog.
The focus of that blog will be for my personal business and tech interests. With the exception to seosource, a search engine blog that is not linked in the navigation above but part of my profile, the blogs I have here are dedicated for my hobbies. Most of my readings deal within the technology/internet sector (the industry I work in), whether it's through trade magazine, newsletters and other tech blogs. I'm going to take a dabble and share my experiences to an area I am very familiar and have a strong interest in.
To sum up this post... I am a happy camper once again with my hosting company and appreciate those e-mails and posts I received from a few of you with your recommendations. I am not sorry for deleting the comments from all you other spammers! :)
Friday, December 30, 2005
Monday, December 26, 2005
Music Industry Investigated Over Pricing
The music industry has made no secret of its desire to raise prices of legal music downloads, but the record labels have instead raised the ire of New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer. Spitzer has subpoenaed the four major music companies as part of an investigation into collusion on the pricing of digital music. | source: Nate Mook, BetaNewsThank goodness! As an avid music addict I hope prices don't go any higher. I think we've been swindled far too long, with those $16.99-$17.99 CDs for only 11 songs. This was the price of regular sale price CDs about a year ago. I have noticed that those prices are not as common, now regular prices in the ballpark of $13.99-$14.99. Now with services such as Napster, iTunes and rhapsody song downloads is more common. The average going rate per download is 0.99 cents per song. I am a user that must love the song extremely for me to download it. I still pay Napster for their music listening service. I enjoy listening to a full CD and determine if it's worth purchasing. I rather buy CDs at sale prices and have the artwork that comes with. I've also been yahoo LaunchCast member for years and the news that yahoo has entered the music download industry is of no surprise. I've used Napster, music match, AOL music, rhapsody paid services and prefer Napster. I don't think I'll subscribe to yahoo full version, even though the song rate is 0.79 cents per song. I do enjoy rating the different songs and customizing my own radio station on the yahoo free version. Napster has a function to build your own radio station based on the playlist you create. I will continue to pay my eight bucks to them for a while.
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas!!!

Saturday, December 24, 2005
Santa's Crib
Inspired by MTV's popular show CRIBS check out the most recent addition to the tours. It's Santa's Crib - powered by IFILM
Friday, December 23, 2005
The "Incident" Before Christmas Game
Tis the season to be merry...
but Santa's helped himself to an eggnog too many. This fun little flash game allows you pick up the presents Santa has droped along the way. See how many presents you can recover at
but Santa's helped himself to an eggnog too many. This fun little flash game allows you pick up the presents Santa has droped along the way. See how many presents you can recover at
My Neighborhood Video
Do you want to feel dizzy? Follow the link below and take a drive along with me as I go towards my house. This short silent video clip was recently added to Google video - another experiment of mine. In this clip you will see the view from my car as we travel along the Chicago side streets and feel slightly nauseated along the way. View Celi's Chicago Side Street Video now.
ascii-Matrix movie
This may be old, but it's the first time I've seen animated ASCII text. Nice matrix clip at -
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Hosting Providers
This is so frustrating - I need a new hosting provider! The service I use to host my freelance site and inclusively some of the style sheets I use in my other blogs has been completely down for a few days now. My Chicago photoblog, the most popular section of this blog site, is completely dependent on the style sheets housed in these non responsive servers and it looks horrible. What I hate now is having to do the research and trying to find a better, reliable service and a reasonable price. Any suggestions? Unfortunately this isn't a fluke, it's time to take my business elsewhere.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
My Christmas List 2005
What is in your Christmas list? I've noticed that my list is pretty much the same year after year. CDs & DVDs always make the list along with other items. Which CDs and movies are on that list this year? This will give you an idea of what I listen to and watch. My tastes are usually very broad, but these are the items I do not have in my collection yet :)
The Killers - Hott Fuss
Shakira - Oral Fixation vol II
Toni Braxton - Libra
Green Day - American Idiot
Cypress Hill - Greates Hits From The Bong
Interpol - Antics
Michael Bubble - Caught In The Act
Maroon 5 - Live Friday The 13th
Joss Stone - Mind Body & Soul, Special Edition
Madonna Tribute Band - Smooth Sax Tribute to Madonna's Greatest Hits
Mr & Mrs Smith
The Island
Sin City
The Polar Express
Sex & The City - Vol 6 part II
Spiderman II
Hotel Rwanda
Diary of a Mad Black Woman
Bourne Supremacy
The Killers - Hott Fuss
Shakira - Oral Fixation vol II
Toni Braxton - Libra
Green Day - American Idiot
Cypress Hill - Greates Hits From The Bong
Interpol - Antics
Michael Bubble - Caught In The Act
Maroon 5 - Live Friday The 13th
Joss Stone - Mind Body & Soul, Special Edition
Madonna Tribute Band - Smooth Sax Tribute to Madonna's Greatest Hits
Mr & Mrs Smith
The Island
Sin City
The Polar Express
Sex & The City - Vol 6 part II
Spiderman II
Hotel Rwanda
Diary of a Mad Black Woman
Bourne Supremacy
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Shopping vs. Geeking
In less than two weeks Christmas will be here and I am in trouble! I am no where near complete getting all my gifts. I'm not in the mood for shopping these days, this weekend was horrible. I went out shopping with my sister and was frustrated with the traffic to and from various stores. That's what I get for not doing my online shopping early.
I've actually come home and have been expirementing with google and yahoo maps. I haven't decided yet which I prefer. I've implemented a version of each on my freelance site and pinpointed the coordinates to the loop area. I know it's hard to believe I prefer geeking out over shopping? (Well maybe not that hard to believe?) I'll keep playing with them, I like certain things from both of them. It seems the google map loads faster, but I like the zoom control on yahoo. See the work in progress here:
Which do you prefer?
I've actually come home and have been expirementing with google and yahoo maps. I haven't decided yet which I prefer. I've implemented a version of each on my freelance site and pinpointed the coordinates to the loop area. I know it's hard to believe I prefer geeking out over shopping? (Well maybe not that hard to believe?) I'll keep playing with them, I like certain things from both of them. It seems the google map loads faster, but I like the zoom control on yahoo. See the work in progress here:
Which do you prefer?
Thursday, December 08, 2005
I'm Not A Fan Of Winter
I am dreading tomorrow, I survived the snow storm today. However, tomorrow I have to wake up extra early to clean the car from what I expect will be around nine inches of snow. It's still snowing where I live and although it looks nice, I would rather not have any part of it.
There were so many accidents today. I took a picture of one on my commute into the loop. Notice to the far left there lies a turned over vehicle, and to the far right is what I assume is the other car involved in the accident.
The big news for today is the fact that a Southwest airline plane, trying to land at midway airport aafter this snow storm, slid off the runway and crashed through a barrier wall into an unsuspecting car. I consider walking a few blocks to take some pictures, but I knew the streets would be blocks and frankly I did not want to walk in this snow.
The snow began falling shortly after I began my commute back. This week I was at a search engine conference. Dreading the cold I drove in today and after today's final session I opted to avoid the rush hour and head home early. I tried to avoid the madness that I knew would come from the expected snow storm. Unfortunately a few minutes into my drive the snow began to fall, and fall and fall.

The big news for today is the fact that a Southwest airline plane, trying to land at midway airport aafter this snow storm, slid off the runway and crashed through a barrier wall into an unsuspecting car. I consider walking a few blocks to take some pictures, but I knew the streets would be blocks and frankly I did not want to walk in this snow.

Making The Band - The Final Cut
I have been following this little show on MTV called making the band3. Yes it's true it's my guilty pleasure. I have been a viewer since the first season, and have followed the cuts and rooted for my favorites. For the most part I agreed with the cuts. I hope I will agree with the final cut. My absolute favorite is Aubrey. It's amazingly true that people have a presence that can project at first glance. Aubrey had me at hello. This is a Mega-star to the likes of Beyonce. I've also been loyal to Aundrea. She and Aubrey clicked in the show and became close friends. These two have warmed my heart and I would like to keep them together.
Today P. Diddy is selecting his final five. Before they are selected these are my top 5 in order of preference.
Aubrey, Aundrea, Taquita, Jasmine, Shannon
The selected are....
Aubrey, Juanita, Shannon, Dawn, Aundrea!!!!!
Hey I picked three out of five. I can live with that. I look forward to see what these girls produce. I will have fun continuing being a fan of these ladies.
Today P. Diddy is selecting his final five. Before they are selected these are my top 5 in order of preference.
Aubrey, Aundrea, Taquita, Jasmine, Shannon
The selected are....
Aubrey, Juanita, Shannon, Dawn, Aundrea!!!!!
Hey I picked three out of five. I can live with that. I look forward to see what these girls produce. I will have fun continuing being a fan of these ladies.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Holiday Fun

La Existencia Sin Ti
Imagina el cielo sin las nubes.
Imagina el sol sin su calor.
Cual seria el mundo sin la luz de la luna?
Cual seria el mundo sin aire que respiro?
No puedo imaginar tal mundo,
No quiero imaginar mi mundo sin ti.
Imagina el sol sin su calor.
Cual seria el mundo sin la luz de la luna?
Cual seria el mundo sin aire que respiro?
No puedo imaginar tal mundo,
No quiero imaginar mi mundo sin ti.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving
I will head towards my sister's in-laws in a few hours to spend Thanksgiving dinner with them. My mom has prepared a few items that she will take to my aunt's place and spend Thanksgiving dinner with them. I get the double treat of having some of that food left for me to enjoy tomorrow.
Tonight will be the traditional Turkey food prepared with all the trimmings and side dishes. Tomorrow will be my mother's traditional dishes of stuffed Cornish hens, pasta, potatoes and cold pasta/veggie salad.
The plan for tomorrow is to go shopping with all the other loonies out there going crazy for black Friday specials. I saw some of the circular specials and I must say I am not that excited over the deals this year. I recall last year had great sales and I had practically finished my Christmas shopping on that day. I'll be lucky if I get three gifts tomorrow.

The plan for tomorrow is to go shopping with all the other loonies out there going crazy for black Friday specials. I saw some of the circular specials and I must say I am not that excited over the deals this year. I recall last year had great sales and I had practically finished my Christmas shopping on that day. I'll be lucky if I get three gifts tomorrow.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
StarSchmucks Coffee
Hahaha - This is so true - Check it out. Anyone who knows me knows I am a starbucks shmuck, I admit it. See this small flash movie clip "StarSchmucks" - especially if you are a frequent Starbucks customer.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
My Autumn Hike
I posted these on my photoblog but not everyone reads the looks at the different sections. This post is for you V - I know how you like Charlie postings...
About two weeks ago, before my hectic schedule, I took Charlie to our favorite forrest trail. I'm glad I made the time and went, because the weather now is too cold to stay outside for long. On this day we were out for a few hours. I loved walking through the fallen leaves and seeing the reflection of the bright colors over the water.

©2005 Araceli Arroyo photographs
About two weeks ago, before my hectic schedule, I took Charlie to our favorite forrest trail. I'm glad I made the time and went, because the weather now is too cold to stay outside for long. On this day we were out for a few hours. I loved walking through the fallen leaves and seeing the reflection of the bright colors over the water.

©2005 Araceli Arroyo photographs
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Turkey Sings - I Will Survive
A couple days before Thanksgiving Day, this turkey has a message for you. Watch and send this funny e-card from American Greetings - Turkey ecard.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Out of Town Again
Another day has passed and I am now in another city and another hotel. This one is a very quick trip that will provide no time to explore the city. Oh well at least I was able to go out last week in New York. Although today's travels weren't as smooth as usual I don't mind the whole process at all. I like traveling, the waiting isn't fun per say but it's bearable. I just bring a magazine and some headphones and I'm usually ok. I found out yesterday that I had to fly out again, this time out of Midway airport. I was happy to learn that I would finally be able to take a flight out of that airport, which is so close to where I live.
Here's the glitch to that excitement... I haven't flown from Midway in quite some time. All of my flights have been from O'Hare and I always dreaded taking two trains to get there and sometimes trying to get a ride back. I've taken many flights but I think only two have been from Midway. Things have changed! I was surprised that seats are not reserved. I have heard of the expression cattle call used when referring to Southwest Airlines from people that have flown out of Midway, but until today I now know why. I don't like that whole first come first serve arrangement at the time of boarding. I like to know where I am going to be seated. I have a sense of security with that. Security check in was somewhat longer than what I have experienced at O'Hare - I find that VERY surprising, considering how congested O'Hare gets. We'll see how it goes tomorrow, I may never want to fly from that next door airport again :(
Here's the glitch to that excitement... I haven't flown from Midway in quite some time. All of my flights have been from O'Hare and I always dreaded taking two trains to get there and sometimes trying to get a ride back. I've taken many flights but I think only two have been from Midway. Things have changed! I was surprised that seats are not reserved. I have heard of the expression cattle call used when referring to Southwest Airlines from people that have flown out of Midway, but until today I now know why. I don't like that whole first come first serve arrangement at the time of boarding. I like to know where I am going to be seated. I have a sense of security with that. Security check in was somewhat longer than what I have experienced at O'Hare - I find that VERY surprising, considering how congested O'Hare gets. We'll see how it goes tomorrow, I may never want to fly from that next door airport again :(
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
NYC visit 2005
Anywhere you look in a great picture waiting to be taken in New York City. That's how I feel as I see the masses pass by through the busy streets. I arrived yesterday settled in and unpacked in my hotel room. I had roughly two hours before going to a welcoming reception for a conference I am at for work. You've probably already guessed it, I went for a very long walk and took some pictures. I have a ritual of things I do each year I come to Manhattan. Unfortunately I will not have time to do all. I must confess the first time I came to New York I didn't like it at all. I found it too congested, dirty and smelly. What changed my mind? The fact that it's never boring and no matter your budget there is something to do, at least for my interests. Here are my suggestions should you come visit NYC.
1. Go to a new neighborhood explore the surrounding shops streets and at some point sit at a park or cafe and do some good old fashion people watching. I use this primarily for my photography hobby.
2. Catch a Broadway show you haven't seen yet. The best thing to do is to go to the TKTS booth and get that day's discounted tickets. Many times you will be able to get good shows at a great rate.
3. This is my favorite thing I absolutely have not missed in the recent past 5 visits I've come here. I usually take the MTA or bus to a new spot in central park (again more pictures) I sit down for a while and read a few chapters of a book.
4. Shop :) I don't get to this one as much as I'd like for obvious reason - time and money.
Well time to go to my next session...
1. Go to a new neighborhood explore the surrounding shops streets and at some point sit at a park or cafe and do some good old fashion people watching. I use this primarily for my photography hobby.
2. Catch a Broadway show you haven't seen yet. The best thing to do is to go to the TKTS booth and get that day's discounted tickets. Many times you will be able to get good shows at a great rate.
3. This is my favorite thing I absolutely have not missed in the recent past 5 visits I've come here. I usually take the MTA or bus to a new spot in central park (again more pictures) I sit down for a while and read a few chapters of a book.
4. Shop :) I don't get to this one as much as I'd like for obvious reason - time and money.
Well time to go to my next session...
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Joke Of The Day - Big Bad Wolf
From E-mail Forward:
Little Red Riding Hood is skipping down the road when she sees a big bad wolf crouched down behind a log.
"My, what big eyes you have, Mr.Wolf."
The wolf jumps up and runs away.
Further down the road Little Red Riding Hood sees the wolf again and this time he is crouched behind a bush.
"My what big ears you have, Mr. Wolf."
Again the wolf jumps up and runs away.
About two miles down the road Little Red Riding Hood sees the wolf again and this time he is crouched down behind a rock.
"My what big teeth you have Mr. Wolf."
With that the wolf jumps up and screams, "Will you knock it off, I'm trying to poop!"
Little Red Riding Hood is skipping down the road when she sees a big bad wolf crouched down behind a log.
"My, what big eyes you have, Mr.Wolf."
The wolf jumps up and runs away.
Further down the road Little Red Riding Hood sees the wolf again and this time he is crouched behind a bush.
"My what big ears you have, Mr. Wolf."
Again the wolf jumps up and runs away.
About two miles down the road Little Red Riding Hood sees the wolf again and this time he is crouched down behind a rock.
"My what big teeth you have Mr. Wolf."
With that the wolf jumps up and screams, "Will you knock it off, I'm trying to poop!"
Friday, November 04, 2005
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Halloween Pictures
I've been posting pictures left and right - mainly on where I share my pics for printing with family and friends. These past days have been very eventful. Friday was the Gwen Stefani Concert.
Saturday I went dancing with some friends and family. Sunday was a usual movie trip - movie choice this time: North Country. It made me appreciate women's rights. That's another topic all together. I have to start writing in my movie review section again.
I digress, yesterday I took my nephew trick-or-treating. Here are a few pictures of the family, I even posed in some pictures, something I don't normally do. It was fun!

Saturday I went dancing with some friends and family. Sunday was a usual movie trip - movie choice this time: North Country. It made me appreciate women's rights. That's another topic all together. I have to start writing in my movie review section again.
I digress, yesterday I took my nephew trick-or-treating. Here are a few pictures of the family, I even posed in some pictures, something I don't normally do. It was fun!

Monday, October 31, 2005
Automatic Flatterer
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Happy October

Last night I went to the Gwen Stefani & Black Eyed Peas concert, pictures soon to come. Now I have to go get some missing pieces for my Halloween costume and get set for dancing tonight.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Amazing - Chicago White Sox Win!!!
Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I think I'm going to add this one to myspace as well. If you know me well, you know I like cosmos :) Hey if you can't beat them join then :)
Monday, October 24, 2005
Interview With An Honest Boss
This was rather funny, it reminded me of the move 'Office Space'. What do you think your boss would say if you asked him about the your different options? Check out this flash movie and have your interview with an honest boss
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Hurricane Wilma
The New York times published incredible shots of different locations where Hurricane Wilma has struck today. The Storm is expected to hit the Florida border tomorrow (Sunday). The storm was downgraded to a category 3 storm, however it has caused serious tragedy upon many inhabitants of the Yucatan Peninsula.
Hurricane Wilma hung over the Yucatan Peninsula Saturday, deluging the streets of Cancun. The storm was expected to reach Florida border on Sunday.
Cubans herded cattle to higher ground as flooding threatened part of Pinar del Rio. More than 500,000 people were evacuated from the western part of the island ahead of drenching rains and dangerous winds.
Multimedia & Photos - New York Times

Multimedia & Photos - New York Times
Friday, October 21, 2005
This Weekend
I'm not sure what this weekend will bring. I doubt it will be as eventful as last weekend, which by the way I finally posted the pictures from Hawthorne Race Track and the petting zoo in my photoblog. Please check it out every now and then - what do you think?
The weather is expected to be cold and rainy, not great weather to be outdoors much. Besides the Chicago White Sox will be playing their first game in the World Series against the Houston Astros. Hey I'm not jumping on "the bandwagon." My sister says she hates posers. I always said if the Yankees lost I would root for the Sox. Go Sox!
The weather is expected to be cold and rainy, not great weather to be outdoors much. Besides the Chicago White Sox will be playing their first game in the World Series against the Houston Astros. Hey I'm not jumping on "the bandwagon." My sister says she hates posers. I always said if the Yankees lost I would root for the Sox. Go Sox!
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Friday, October 14, 2005
Joke Of The Day
Why the Chicken Crossed the Road?
John Locke: Because he was exercising his natural right to liberty.
Machiavelli: The point is that the chicken crossed the road. Who cares why? The ends of crossing the road justify whatever motive there was.
Timothy Leary: Because that's the only kind of trip the Establishment would let it take.
The Bible: And God came down from the heavens, and He said unto the chicken, "Thou shalt cross the road." And the Chicken crossed the road, and there was much rejoicing.
Darwin #1: Chickens, over great periods of time, have been naturally selected in such a way that they are now genetically predisposed to cross roads
Darwin #2: It was the logical next step after coming down from the trees.
Jerry Seinfeld: Why does anyone cross a road? I mean, why doesn't anyone ever think to ask, "What the heck was this chicken doing walking around all over the place anyway?"
Martin Luther King, Jr.: I envision a world where all chickens will be free to cross roads without having their motives called into question.
Grandpa: In my day, we didn't ask why the chicken crossed the road. Someone told us that the chicken had crossed the road, and that was good enough for us.
Bill Gates: I have just released the new Chicken 2000, which will both cross roads AND balance your checkbook, though when it divides 3 by 2 it gets 1.4999999999.
Colonel Sanders: I missed one?
Plato: For the greater good.
Aristotle: To actualize its potential.
Albert Einstein: Whether the chicken crossed the road or the road crossed the chicken depends upon your frame of reference.
Ralph Waldo Emerson: It didn't cross the road; it transcended it.
Joseph Stalin: I don't care. Catch it. I need its eggs to make my omelet.
Dr. Seuss: Did the chicken cross the road? Did he cross it with a toad? Yes the chicken crossed the road, but why he crossed, I've not been told!
OJ Simpson: It didn't. I was playing golf with it at the time.
Get yours @
John Locke: Because he was exercising his natural right to liberty.
Machiavelli: The point is that the chicken crossed the road. Who cares why? The ends of crossing the road justify whatever motive there was.
Timothy Leary: Because that's the only kind of trip the Establishment would let it take.
The Bible: And God came down from the heavens, and He said unto the chicken, "Thou shalt cross the road." And the Chicken crossed the road, and there was much rejoicing.
Darwin #1: Chickens, over great periods of time, have been naturally selected in such a way that they are now genetically predisposed to cross roads
Darwin #2: It was the logical next step after coming down from the trees.
Jerry Seinfeld: Why does anyone cross a road? I mean, why doesn't anyone ever think to ask, "What the heck was this chicken doing walking around all over the place anyway?"
Martin Luther King, Jr.: I envision a world where all chickens will be free to cross roads without having their motives called into question.
Grandpa: In my day, we didn't ask why the chicken crossed the road. Someone told us that the chicken had crossed the road, and that was good enough for us.
Bill Gates: I have just released the new Chicken 2000, which will both cross roads AND balance your checkbook, though when it divides 3 by 2 it gets 1.4999999999.
Colonel Sanders: I missed one?
Plato: For the greater good.
Aristotle: To actualize its potential.
Albert Einstein: Whether the chicken crossed the road or the road crossed the chicken depends upon your frame of reference.
Ralph Waldo Emerson: It didn't cross the road; it transcended it.
Joseph Stalin: I don't care. Catch it. I need its eggs to make my omelet.
Dr. Seuss: Did the chicken cross the road? Did he cross it with a toad? Yes the chicken crossed the road, but why he crossed, I've not been told!
OJ Simpson: It didn't. I was playing golf with it at the time.
Get yours @
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Great Article - Has It Been “One of Those Days”?
I clicked on a link that caught my attention onmy msn page. There was this little icon wuth text that read - "bad day at the office". My answer, kinda! Pretty hectic times right now, I liked some of the suggestions in this article...
So you’ve had a bad day at the office. Nothing seemed to go right, from disastrous client meetings and bungled reports, right down to the deli giving you the wrong sandwich order at lunch.
It happens to everyone at one time or another. But now how do you deal with it when you leave work? Are you going to stomp home and slam all the doors? Take it out on the dog? Let’s hope not. Here are some suggestions for putting a dreadful day behind you. | Read more at MSN Career Advice
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
This Damn Cold
I hate getting sick, when I get sick I get REALLY sick. A regular cold for someone else turns into flu-like symptoms for me. Well guess what I am SICK!!!! I know exactly when I caught this cold and it was my fault. I went to montrose harbor on saturday with just a t-shirt and Jersey on. The Chicago weather of course changed for the worse as the hours progressed. I think it went down to sub 50 and windy. As Vigdis would say "f***ing Chicago weather". Yeah, V I said it! These weather changes are killing me.
BK Halloween Masks
BK Halloween Masks
Did I ever mention that the burger king mask guy freaks me out? Oh and that commercial where he catches the football and scores a touchdown is just stupid. I hate that guy! To make matters worse I might run into that creepy mask this Halloween. If you must get one, get the subservient chicken, I didn't mind that one.
Did I ever mention that the burger king mask guy freaks me out? Oh and that commercial where he catches the football and scores a touchdown is just stupid. I hate that guy! To make matters worse I might run into that creepy mask this Halloween. If you must get one, get the subservient chicken, I didn't mind that one.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Rhyme, Rhythm and Risas Tour
Last Thursday my sister and I went to a concert at the Aragon. It was called the Rhyme Rhythm and Risas Tour, sposored by Volkswagen. I loved it. If it comes to your city you must check it out, especially if your Hispanic. It showcases poetry, comedy and music. Comedian Pablo Francisco and poetry and music by La Bruja filled the audience with food times, but the best part - Ozomatli. I really enjoyed their performance, but especially like the ending. The entire band got off the stage and jammed for about 20 minutes in the middle of the crowd. If you can't check out the Rhyme, Rhythm and Risas Tour, make sure your check out Ozomatli.
Friday, October 07, 2005
I May Be A Chicago Traitor Soon
Here I am watching game three of the American division Championship, rooting as usual for my Yankees. Series is tied one a piece and I can't help being scared of the decision I may be faced with soon. My hometown White Sox clinched their spot at the League Championship Series, winning their division series against last year's champions the Boston Red Sox. I may be over confident in already thinking the Yanks will battle the sox in the next series, especially since they are down a run now at the fifth. I will admit that I am not a addicted baseball fanatic. I watch a few regular season games, but I always watch the finals. I have always rooted for the Yankees since the beginning of the 90's. I've never really gotten into the cubby/sox feud. I will root for both teams, although I've been to more cubs games than sox games. Both stadiums have a different aura to them.
Today Chicago is celebrating the fact that the White Sox are the ALC champs and might even win the World series. I caught the end of the Sox's game on the radio during my ride home. I rooted for the White Sox, just as I rooted for the cubs last year. Why I am scared - because I cannot stop rooting for the Yankees. Should Yankees battle White Sox, guess who my loud cheers go for?
WOoohoooo! Game tied, Matsui just tied the score....Second batter up hits sends Cano scoring at home plate and now Yanks are up 6-5. Gotta love this game!
Today Chicago is celebrating the fact that the White Sox are the ALC champs and might even win the World series. I caught the end of the Sox's game on the radio during my ride home. I rooted for the White Sox, just as I rooted for the cubs last year. Why I am scared - because I cannot stop rooting for the Yankees. Should Yankees battle White Sox, guess who my loud cheers go for?
WOoohoooo! Game tied, Matsui just tied the score....Second batter up hits sends Cano scoring at home plate and now Yanks are up 6-5. Gotta love this game!
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Find The Man In The Coffee Beans
From E-mail Forward
----- This is pretty interesting --
it is actually a test (not a joke), although I don't know how scientific the explanation is. Read directions below and give it a try.
This is an actual test-Can you find the man’s head within 3 seconds?

According to medical experiments: If you can find the Man's Head within 3 seconds, your right brain is more developed than normal people. If you can find the Man's Head within 1 minute, your right brain is developed normally. If you can find the Man's Head within 1-3 minutes, your right brain is slow in reacting, you should eat more meat protein. If you can't find the Man's Head in 3 minutes or more, your right brain is a disaster ... extremely slow in reacting, eat way more protein and try some Ginkgo Biloba. AND, YES THERE REALLY IS A MAN IN THERE.
Give up? Here's the answer... Are you sure?
Look in the lower left between the middle and side. I hope you didn't cheat!
----- This is pretty interesting --
it is actually a test (not a joke), although I don't know how scientific the explanation is. Read directions below and give it a try.
This is an actual test-Can you find the man’s head within 3 seconds?

According to medical experiments: If you can find the Man's Head within 3 seconds, your right brain is more developed than normal people. If you can find the Man's Head within 1 minute, your right brain is developed normally. If you can find the Man's Head within 1-3 minutes, your right brain is slow in reacting, you should eat more meat protein. If you can't find the Man's Head in 3 minutes or more, your right brain is a disaster ... extremely slow in reacting, eat way more protein and try some Ginkgo Biloba. AND, YES THERE REALLY IS A MAN IN THERE.
Give up? Here's the answer... Are you sure?
Look in the lower left between the middle and side. I hope you didn't cheat!
La Vergüenza De Pedro
No he defendido mi dios. Otros se rien de los creyentes. Me cayo y no admito creer en mi señor. Que clase de cristiana soy yo. Me siento como Pedro quando negó a Jesús Cristo cuando lo llebavan a su crusificacion.
La vergüenza peza pero dicen que la fe puede mover montañas. Si es asi, porqué mi fe no tiene las fuerzas de enseñar su cara? Proclamo aquí que dios es mi creador y salvador. Dios mio quitame esta cobardia para proclamar lo mismo enfrente de esas personas que reniegan de ti.
La vergüenza peza pero dicen que la fe puede mover montañas. Si es asi, porqué mi fe no tiene las fuerzas de enseñar su cara? Proclamo aquí que dios es mi creador y salvador. Dios mio quitame esta cobardia para proclamar lo mismo enfrente de esas personas que reniegan de ti.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Weekend Recap w/Charlie Pics
I had to go into the office this Saturday again - I've been working like a dog, well not like my dog who is the laziest dog I've ever seen! This weekend was the first one in a very long time when I was able to truly enjoy it. I came home Saturday evening and I took Charlie on a very long walk. The day was beautiful, warm and slightly breezy, just how I like it. I walked several blocks to towards a park where I knew at that point Charlie would need a rest. Sure enough when we arrived, as soon as I sat down Charlie plopped himself onto the grass. He loves rolling over on the grass and getting dirty. I am not a fan of the mess and his stinky-smell afterwards but I will admit that it looks cute when he does it.
Later that night was relaxing as well, I laid low and stayed in. I missed the Roy Jones fight, but I guess that was a good thing since the next day I found out he had lost. I would have been upset the entire night. It still irks me to think he lost to Tarver.
I stayed up late Saturday night fixing a computer from a client. I still freelance on the side from time to time. You name it, websites, graphics, virus cleaning, PC repairing if it pays and has to do with computers, I'll try to do it. Sunday was full of sleep and a movie night with Carson again. We saw Lord of War, which actually surprised me. I liked the movie and recommend it.

Later that night was relaxing as well, I laid low and stayed in. I missed the Roy Jones fight, but I guess that was a good thing since the next day I found out he had lost. I would have been upset the entire night. It still irks me to think he lost to Tarver.
I stayed up late Saturday night fixing a computer from a client. I still freelance on the side from time to time. You name it, websites, graphics, virus cleaning, PC repairing if it pays and has to do with computers, I'll try to do it. Sunday was full of sleep and a movie night with Carson again. We saw Lord of War, which actually surprised me. I liked the movie and recommend it.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Monday, September 26, 2005
Vanity Plates
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Volaré En Mis Sueños
Como quisiera ser una ave para poder volar sin preocupacion. Anelo la libertad y la capacidad de conocer otros países. Quién como la paloma, admirada por su belleza y simbolo de paz por su cuerpo fragil. Quién como un pájarito con plumaje de varios colores vibrantes dando alegría a esos ojos que lo ven. Me imagino sentir el viento bajo mi cuerpo alzando mas alto mi vuelo. Esta noche espero con anticipación el poder volar en mis sueños.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
The LaughNetwork of Humor
DO you need a laugh today? I found this cute site that has many fun sections. Check the = The LaughNetwork of Humor, Greeting Card, and Entertainment Websites
Thursday, September 22, 2005
I'm Such An 80's Kid!
You're an 80's kid if:
You ever ended a sentence w/ the word "SIKE"
You watched Pound Puppies
You can sing the rap to "Fresh Prince of Bel Air"
You wore biker shorts under your skirts and felt stylish.
You yearned to be a member of the babysitters club and tried to start one of your own.
You owned those lil Strawberry Shortcake pals scented dolls.
You know that "WOAH" comes from Joey on "Blossom"
Two words: M.C.Hammer
If you ever watched Fraggle Rock
You had plastic streamers on your handle bars.
You can sing the entire theme song to "Duck Tales"
It was actually worth getting up on Sat morning to watch cartoons
You wore a ponytail on the side of your head
You saw "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" on the big screen
You got super excited when it was Oregon Trail day in computer class
You had a clip that held your shirt in a knot at the side
You played the game MASH (Mansion, Apartment, Shelter, House)
You wore a Jordache jean jacket and you were proud of it
L.A. Gear... need I say more
You wanted to change your name to "JEM" in kindergarten
You remember all of the Ramona books
You know the profound meaning of "WAX ON, WAX OFF"
You wanted to be a Goonie
You ever wore fluorescent clothing (some head to toe)
You can remember what Michael Jackson REALLY looked like
You ever wondered why Smurfette was the only female smurf
You took lunch pails to school
You remember the CRAZE, then the BANNING of slap bracelets
You still get the urge to say "NOT" after every sentence
Barbie and the Rockers were your fav band
You thought She-Ra and He-Man should hook up
You thought your childhood friends would never leave you b/c you exchanged friendship bracelets
You ever owned a pair of jelly shoes (and probably in neon colors)
After Pee-Wee's Big Adventures you kept saying "I know you are but wha am I"
You remember "I've fallen and I can't get up"
You remember skating before inline skates
You ever got seriously injured on a Slip-n-slide
You had a Skip-it
You had or attended a b-day party at Mc Donalds
You've gone thru this nodding your head in agreement
"Don't worry, Be happy!!"
You wore like 8 pair of socks over tights w/ high top reeboks
You wore socks scrunched down
Boom boxes vs. Cd players
Both Gremlin movies
You remember Rainbow Bright and My Lil Pony Tales
You thought Doogie Howser was hot!
Alf, the furry brown alien from Melmac
New Kids On the Block when they were cool
Knew all the characters and there life stories on the ORIGINAL Saved by the BelL
Know all the words to Bon Jovi- SHOT THRU THE HEART
You just sang it to yourself
You remember when Mullets were cool
You rolled your pants tight
You owned a banana clip!
You ever ended a sentence w/ the word "SIKE"
You watched Pound Puppies
You can sing the rap to "Fresh Prince of Bel Air"
You wore biker shorts under your skirts and felt stylish.
You yearned to be a member of the babysitters club and tried to start one of your own.
You owned those lil Strawberry Shortcake pals scented dolls.
You know that "WOAH" comes from Joey on "Blossom"
Two words: M.C.Hammer
If you ever watched Fraggle Rock
You had plastic streamers on your handle bars.
You can sing the entire theme song to "Duck Tales"
It was actually worth getting up on Sat morning to watch cartoons
You wore a ponytail on the side of your head
You saw "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" on the big screen
You got super excited when it was Oregon Trail day in computer class
You had a clip that held your shirt in a knot at the side
You played the game MASH (Mansion, Apartment, Shelter, House)
You wore a Jordache jean jacket and you were proud of it
L.A. Gear... need I say more
You wanted to change your name to "JEM" in kindergarten
You remember all of the Ramona books
You know the profound meaning of "WAX ON, WAX OFF"
You wanted to be a Goonie
You ever wore fluorescent clothing (some head to toe)
You can remember what Michael Jackson REALLY looked like
You ever wondered why Smurfette was the only female smurf
You took lunch pails to school
You remember the CRAZE, then the BANNING of slap bracelets
You still get the urge to say "NOT" after every sentence
Barbie and the Rockers were your fav band
You thought She-Ra and He-Man should hook up
You thought your childhood friends would never leave you b/c you exchanged friendship bracelets
You ever owned a pair of jelly shoes (and probably in neon colors)
After Pee-Wee's Big Adventures you kept saying "I know you are but wha am I"
You remember "I've fallen and I can't get up"
You remember skating before inline skates
You ever got seriously injured on a Slip-n-slide
You had a Skip-it
You had or attended a b-day party at Mc Donalds
You've gone thru this nodding your head in agreement
"Don't worry, Be happy!!"
You wore like 8 pair of socks over tights w/ high top reeboks
You wore socks scrunched down
Boom boxes vs. Cd players
Both Gremlin movies
You remember Rainbow Bright and My Lil Pony Tales
You thought Doogie Howser was hot!
Alf, the furry brown alien from Melmac
New Kids On the Block when they were cool
Knew all the characters and there life stories on the ORIGINAL Saved by the BelL
Know all the words to Bon Jovi- SHOT THRU THE HEART
You just sang it to yourself
You remember when Mullets were cool
You rolled your pants tight
You owned a banana clip!
Monday, September 19, 2005
The Life and Times of Frida Kahlo
The Life and Times of Frida Kahlo on PBS
Kiddy Wasssuuup!!
You thought the wassup fade was over?!?
Check out the remake for the younger (much younger) generation. Cute kids at: ot Milk? - Wahh-zaaaap
Check out the remake for the younger (much younger) generation. Cute kids at: ot Milk? - Wahh-zaaaap
Sunday, September 18, 2005
My Sister's Wedding Pictures
Another weekend has past and I finally can see the light at the end of the tunnel. With work,my sister's wedding, baby sitting, and just having too much to do I am looking forward to more relaxing nights. My sister's wedding was a success, all her guest showed up, and a few more. What could have been a disaster was actually a loving and enjoyable night. I took many pictures, as too be expected. I'm only going to share a few here. I can't wait to see the pictures from the actual photographer. The weather was nice, sunny and warm. Alex and Sis returned from their honeymoon today, and by babysitting duties were relieved. Key word relieved, although Jules was very good to me. Here are a few pics of the wedding from last weekend.

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