Saturday, July 31, 2004

Flash Movie - This Land

Debating on whom to vote for in the upcoming November presidential elections?
Follow this funny link to see Kerry Vs Bush

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Birthday Resolution

I finally hit that age milestone of 30!  This past Friday marked an important day for me I think.  I found myself feeling motivated and inspired to make changes in my life.  I think hitting that big 3.0. does make people reflect on their life, their accomplishments or  feelings that they haven't accomplished at all what they thought they would have by now.

As that day approached I must admit that those thoughts crept up.  I found myself feeling rather sad of accomplishing my material goals but not the humanistic ones.  The ones that people after surpassing their middle age crisis realize that these are the ones that matter the most.  Well I don't have these, what are they?  Well, I am not married, nor is their an immediate possibility that I will be.  I have no children of my own, or any others that I have sole responsibility for.  My health?  Well much improvement is needed there as well.  My circle of friends is not a circle more like a small dot.  The ones I do have I thank God for, unfortunately a few are not within the tri--state area.  The only thing that I wouldn't change is my family and the closeness that we share.  One out the five humanistic goals is all I have accomplished.

So what is the new birthday resolution, some are tied directly to the 5 others are just for my happiness.  First of course, as many many resolutions include is the attempt to lose weight.  I NEED to do this for my health and physical appearance.  More so for my health as my headaches are starting to return.  I have to take my medication frequently. :(

I guess I should list them all here for my quick reference (here goes)

1. Exercise
2. Medicate (vitamins, prescriptions)
3. Doctor check ups (blood exams & all doctors)
4. Focus on appearance (makeup & clothes)
5. Develop a routine and write schedule (sleep hours, eating habits)
6. Budget money & finances
7. Focus on Charlie (taking him on more walks and vet visits)
8. Write more ( blogger, journal, poems)
9. Socialize more (friends, yahoo groups, coworkers)
10. Education (study new tech tools, newletters) 

Those are my top 10 that require my immediate focus. Wish me luck.

Flash Movie - Mr. Otto in the Olympics

Cute flash animation, my personal favorite is the stubborn diver.
Mr Otto in the Olympics

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Movie Review - Anchor Man ***

Best Comedy Film so far This Year

I must start off by informing you that this movie wasn't as funny as Old School, but had me chuckling more than a few times. I knew better than to walk into the theater and expect as many hilarious scenes as Will Ferrell's previous movie release. Those comedy films come once in a while. Anchor Man is genuinely funnier than the other regular comedy films that you see today.

This movie is definitely the funniest movie I've seen for this year so far!

Will Ferrell is the new Jim Carey but not as annoying. He sold me as a sensitive, dim witted macho like anchor man. You know I think he may well be like that in real life.

Christina Applegate's performance was charming. I couldn't get that comment out of my mind however. Where she said something along the lines that she wasn't attracted at all to that moustache wearing macho man. While I didn't believe that attraction portrayed on screen, I loved that interaction between them both.

The office fight scene - Now that's comedy ;) Surprise cameos from Will's previous movie's were a delight. That fight scene although TOTALLY unrealistic was hilarious.

I think I'm going to rent this movie when it comes out, I'm laughing at the recollection of some scenes. This was definitely better than starsky & hutch. Go SEE IT!

Visit this review & other movie reviews from me - celikins @ | Anchor Man

Movie Review - Spiderman 2 ****

Lives Up to the Hype

I found this installment of the spiderman tales to be better than the first. The effects alone were worth the trip to the theater. As with any blockbuster type movie they are usually best viewed on the big screen. What makes the movie a truly must see is that the effects are supported with a solid story line. Knowing that spiderman super hero isn't a true everyday joe story, it somehow made me feel that way. Spidey 2 focused on the insecurities of our trusty super hero and his torment with dealing with the spidey responsibilities. Doc Oct received great reviews, I found him to be ok. Honestly I did prefer the Green Goblin better. I suppose the dark maniacal evil was portrayed better. Overall - Go SEE this movie on a GIANT screen!

Visit this review & other movie reviews from me - celikins @ | Spiderman 2