Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Just wanted to send all my family and friends sincere happy wishes this holiday season. Oh yeah, the boys were also in the holiday spirit and wanted to say merry Christmas as well...
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
My Dogs Love To Play
I'm so glad the new dog I adopted last weekend Rockefeller ('Rocky')is getting along marvelously with Sir Charles. They have bonded quickly and now play like brothers. They wrestle, smack, hug, lick ad chase each other in good spirits. Here's a clip of them being their goofy-selves.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Another Proof Why I love Dogs
What started out as a very sad clip turned out to be a very heart warming proof of animal intelligence and compassion. This is why I love dogs. They are very loyal friends and intelligent, compassionate creations of life! TRANSLATION:
These images taken from a vigilant cams from northern side of the coast show a common situation that occurs in the major capital expressways. A product of over population of stray dogs in the city, it is normal to witness more than one dog being hit by an automobile.
In this video it is evident how the dog agonizes after being dragged by the vehicle. What is moving is the dedication of another canine who attempts to save the injured dog and drags him to the expressway shoulder.
Actions like this one will unfortunately continue to proliferate if no concrete solution is placed to solve the problem for overpopulation of stray dogs.
These images taken from a vigilant cams from northern side of the coast show a common situation that occurs in the major capital expressways. A product of over population of stray dogs in the city, it is normal to witness more than one dog being hit by an automobile.
In this video it is evident how the dog agonizes after being dragged by the vehicle. What is moving is the dedication of another canine who attempts to save the injured dog and drags him to the expressway shoulder.
Actions like this one will unfortunately continue to proliferate if no concrete solution is placed to solve the problem for overpopulation of stray dogs.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving

My specialty is shopping so I bought the wine and cheesecake.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Hooked on Puppy Cam
For almost two weeks I believe I have become addicted to the 'Shiba Inu Puppy Cam' featured on Ustream. I marked a tweet that included the URL as a favorite and have clicked through regularly to check on the pups. I thought this would help subdue my want for another dog in the house to keep Charlie and I company. Unfortunately, as I confess to my addiction I realize it has actually increased it. These pups are adorable. I want to share the fun...
Monday, November 10, 2008
Friday, November 07, 2008
Thursday, November 06, 2008
I'm Still Proud of the USA and Teary-eyed

I watched in amazement, motionless with tears flowing down my cheeks for several minutes letting the reality sink in. It was truly an emotional night for many. Two days after and I am still emotional. I see clips of others experiencing that event and relating what meaning Obama's election has for them and their children and I get goose-bumps and get teary-eyed. I have always been proud and love my country, I can't help but to keep smiling and keep my head held high with even more pride. -- Thank you!
Monday, November 03, 2008

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
New Video With YOUR Name Included
I can see this going viral, I am sure going to help it. I recieved it in my inbox today, after watching it I loved it and passed it on. Here is another proof of great marketing for the Obama campaign...
Make sure you click in and create your own or submit your friends!
Make sure you click in and create your own or submit your friends!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
My Strategy For Following People on Twitter
I just placed a comment on an interesting blog from a new twitter follower. aims to take his new blog from $0 to $1,000,000. It is gaining ground in gaining new twitter followers and unique visitors to the site.
I added a comment for my strategy for when to reciprocate a twitter follow and decided why not post it here for you as well, should you decide to join twitter and add followers of your own.
I added a comment for my strategy for when to reciprocate a twitter follow and decided why not post it here for you as well, should you decide to join twitter and add followers of your own.
My strategy in following people back from twitter.
After receiving an email for a new unknown follower:
1)Ill check out their twitter page if I like their recent updates
2)Check out their interests
3)See URL and deem that it is not spam I'll click into profile URL
4)Once I've spent a few seconds on their site, hopefully more, again deem it as non-spam
5)Find it worthy content for visiting again
I will then follow back on twitter.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I'm In Pain
My right ear is still in pain from this nasty infection. I'm on meds but this darn thing is being pesky and not going away. I hope it's only paranoia but my other ear also begins to feel odd. I'm not very happy about this right now.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Civic Duty
This has been a busy year for my political activism. By no means am I complaining. I'm actually quite happy and proud of myself. Every year I have volunteered to gain new voter registrations, primarily in the Hispanic youth segment. This year, being an election year it has been far more imperative. The focus this year, was not only to get new registrants of all applicable ages and races but also to urge all those who are registered to vote and vote early if possible.
This weekend I crossed state lines and knocked on Indiana doors, as part of a volunteer campaign running in many toss-up states, urging registrants to make their vote count and go place their vote early. Although ailing from nausea and an ear infection I wanted to honor my commitment and knock on as many doors as I could, obviously at a slower pace! At the end of the day, I felt like I made a difference - it feels good to donate your time for a good cause. I am happy once more.
This weekend I crossed state lines and knocked on Indiana doors, as part of a volunteer campaign running in many toss-up states, urging registrants to make their vote count and go place their vote early. Although ailing from nausea and an ear infection I wanted to honor my commitment and knock on as many doors as I could, obviously at a slower pace! At the end of the day, I felt like I made a difference - it feels good to donate your time for a good cause. I am happy once more.
Reminder early voting is available in many states. Chicago early voting commenced today. Locations available @
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Finding My Voice Again
It has been a while my friend, I'll presume you are my friend if you are interested in reading this. Heck, John McCain has no qualms in assuming my friendship, why should I?
Where has time gone, that I succumbed to partial fear and trapped myself from public expression of feelings and thoughts. I few years back when no one read these excerpts, I felt relaxed and naive in sharing whatever came to mind. I always knew that all these postings would be open to the public and far more importantly would be part of my retrievable cyber-history anecdotal digital footprints. As an eternal middle of the road, PC-conscience and PC-friendly person I've only shared nonsensical and unimportant parts of myself.
Will that change go forward? Probably not, however I have felt lost these past few months. I am an extrovert at heart, somewhat introvert in person depending my mood. I cannot bear it any longer and have the need to express my thoughts again. I have an automatic sensor and do not know why I did not trust it and continued my posts. Well my friend I am back. You may not care, which is even better. I care to share and feel at peace to have this vehicle for creativity open to me once more.
Where has time gone, that I succumbed to partial fear and trapped myself from public expression of feelings and thoughts. I few years back when no one read these excerpts, I felt relaxed and naive in sharing whatever came to mind. I always knew that all these postings would be open to the public and far more importantly would be part of my retrievable cyber-history anecdotal digital footprints. As an eternal middle of the road, PC-conscience and PC-friendly person I've only shared nonsensical and unimportant parts of myself.
Will that change go forward? Probably not, however I have felt lost these past few months. I am an extrovert at heart, somewhat introvert in person depending my mood. I cannot bear it any longer and have the need to express my thoughts again. I have an automatic sensor and do not know why I did not trust it and continued my posts. Well my friend I am back. You may not care, which is even better. I care to share and feel at peace to have this vehicle for creativity open to me once more.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Monday, September 08, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Same Schedule
My dog has seemingly adapted to my schedule. It is past 2am and I hear him in the kitchen eating out of his bowl.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
I have not worked on LGV ( all week and yet I have to go live with something tomorrow. Why do I always commit myself to such aggressive deadlines. I always tend to put pressure on myself I love me and hate me for that!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Goodness Gracious, President Hilton?
I had been meaning to post this as soon as I saw this campaign-ad, but didn't get that time till today...
I normally do not like anything Paris Hilton related, but I have to admit this clip made me laugh. This video response to the McCain celebrity ad is going viral and with reason.
I normally do not like anything Paris Hilton related, but I have to admit this clip made me laugh. This video response to the McCain celebrity ad is going viral and with reason.
See more funny videos at Funny or Die
Friday, July 25, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
A More Rigid Schedule
I no longer work in the loop. My constant source for spontaneous architectural photography inspiration has decreased to planned visits. Perhaps it's best since my digital inventory could benefit from variety. I am looking through my options available for my next ChicagoPhotos post and see that my choices are limited, I have to plan my locale visit.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
'Big Idea' Update
I spent some 'me' time this weekend but at least we are starting to get some legs...
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
This clip made me laugh soo much today! Tyra Banks gives Hillary clinton a piece of her mind. Ok, OK so it was clipped together, still hillarious nonetheless (Hil-la-ry-us!!!)
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Earth-Hour Results

I took advantage of the candlelit area of my home and snapped some pictures of the beauty of fire.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Easter Fun With My Family
I had a nice weekend this Easter weekend. Today was filled with family fun. We started the day with attending an early morning mass followed by brunch, egg coloring and easter basket madness! I love experiencing things over again through my nephew's. They truly bring the joy into all the holidays.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Earth Hour - Turn off the lights
Will pay full price now.
I drove to the bad side of the city for a possibility of purchasing a
keyboard at a great price. Craigslist usually doesn't diassapoint.
The church where I was supposed to meet this seller was closed. I
didn't wait much longer, knowing that there was not going to be a
place to test it out now. I think I am done trying to find a bargain
for this keyboard via craigslist.
keyboard at a great price. Craigslist usually doesn't diassapoint.
The church where I was supposed to meet this seller was closed. I
didn't wait much longer, knowing that there was not going to be a
place to test it out now. I think I am done trying to find a bargain
for this keyboard via craigslist.
Sent from my iPod
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Thoughts from a recent flight
I am on a plane on the way to va and as my usual luck will have it I
am sitting next to a squirmy-wormy person. This is supposed to be a
very short flight of only an hour and a half but after only thirty
minutes, I feel like i've been on this plane for three hours.
am sitting next to a squirmy-wormy person. This is supposed to be a
very short flight of only an hour and a half but after only thirty
minutes, I feel like i've been on this plane for three hours.
Sent from my iPod
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Back In The Day
Sunday, February 24, 2008
My New iPod

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Giving It A Chance
I started seeing "In Treatment" on HBO. I have no idea how long it has been running and have caught a few episodes out of sequence. The first episode intrigued me. I'm not sure if I will continue to see it for a long time. I am giving it a chance. The same I must admit I am trying with my relationships. I am currently gving it a chance. I find myself giving everything a chance right now. This is a very odd place to be in, not a common place for me. I've always been hopeful, but I knew the direction I was facing. I honestly find myself with limited control and that is the most difficult thing I have to deal with.
Monday, February 11, 2008
I'm Bringing Ol' School Break-Dance Back
I don't mind making fun of myself,see me breakdance with my crew...
Don't send a lame eCard. Try JibJab Sendables!
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Monday, February 04, 2008
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Charlie Playing In The Snow
The best part of the snow is seeing my dog have fun playing in the snow. Like any typical terrier he loves to dig, but since I don't let him dig holes in my lawn he knows digging through the snow is allowed and takes advantage of it whenever he can. This weekend was the perfect weekend for him. So much so that he kept barking for me to let him out to play. I was more than happy to oblige and take pictures in the mean time.
Happy Groundhog Day

CHICAGO -- "Windy City Woodie" did not see his shadow, meaning spring will come sooner, said Helen Schubert, spokeswoman for the Flower and Garden show.This is muic to my ears! I am frankly tired of all this snow pile-up and moreso shoveling all the accumulation to clearaway a walkway in my sidewalks. My favorite season is spring and the earlier it starts the sooner I will be happy.
The woodchuck came out of his home to nibble on the plants "for a snack," played on some nearby snow banks, and then went back inside without seeing his shadow, King said. If he had seen his shadow, he would have been frightened, and would have returned to his home to sleep through six more weeks of winter, according to King.
Friday, February 01, 2008
Hiding Away
Chicago was hit with a major snow storm last night well into this morning's commute. I awoke this morning to my alarm always set to the news. After lihestening for a few minutes I was frightened. I turned on the TV for a visual and all the local media channels headlined with the weather and morning traffic mess. I contemplated heading in and potentially dealing with the mess myself. I let out my dog and got a look at the slushy pileup myself. I caved, I'm a chficken. I did not leave my home till 5pm when I eventually headed out to shovel my sidewalks. I'm getting tired of this snow. I tried not to complain, especially after receiving a picture from a friend who lives out west, where 3 feet of snow has accumulated.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
American Eagle
I've been back from my trip to Utah for a week now and am somewhat surprised that I miss that snow. Chicago has had quite a few snow showers these past days, but the difference here is that the outdoor activities does not compare to what is available in Utah. I haven't had a chance to post all my vacation pictures yet, but I tool some time to atleast post four of the beginning ones. Pictured here is an american eagle, my first view of this iconic bird ever.
Well now that I finally shoveled the snow from my front pathway I better go clean up some space in my backyard. Like I said not just quite the same fun.
Well now that I finally shoveled the snow from my front pathway I better go clean up some space in my backyard. Like I said not just quite the same fun.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Whatchu Talking 'Bout Willis?

Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Starving Artist Sale
I took my nephew to the starving artist sale I had planned to attend this weekend. We were both actually pretty excited to ho and see what we could find. Unfortunately Julian wanted a painting of his own, even though the prices was well priced for the pieces displayed, I could not agree to pay for the 459 dollar painting that my nephew wanted. I did snap a picture of his upset reaction when I said "No".
As if a mad-pouty face could break me down. OK, sometimes it does, but I'm actually good at discipline. He knows he can't pull that with me, so I knew he was pretty upset. Don't worry I didn't give in. I somehow cheered him up by asking which were his favorites and why he liked them. Then made-up fake stories about them.
As if a mad-pouty face could break me down. OK, sometimes it does, but I'm actually good at discipline. He knows he can't pull that with me, so I knew he was pretty upset. Don't worry I didn't give in. I somehow cheered him up by asking which were his favorites and why he liked them. Then made-up fake stories about them.
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Me Walking Through Snow
Last weekend I made it my mission to head to one of my favorite spots - a nearby forest preserve. The weather was a perfect 37degrees. The snow was crisp from the light layer that had fallen the night before and more was expected to fall in the later hours (Boy did it fall!). My mission was completed as I was able to get shots of the trail and winter scenes that caught my eye, including a snowball I created for a close-up :)
This weekend I think I may take a stroll early saturday before all the snow melts from the warmer weather that is expected. Charlie also loves our little hikes through the woods. I think I'll go to another one a bit farther away, where I've spotted deer. Wish me luck! Hopefully the beautiful creatures wll come out and I can take pictures of them again. This time with a better camera than my phone camera I used the last time.
This weekend I think I may take a stroll early saturday before all the snow melts from the warmer weather that is expected. Charlie also loves our little hikes through the woods. I think I'll go to another one a bit farther away, where I've spotted deer. Wish me luck! Hopefully the beautiful creatures wll come out and I can take pictures of them again. This time with a better camera than my phone camera I used the last time.
Friday, January 04, 2008
Weekend Plans
Sunday 11-4pm, Starving Artist Sale
I just saw a commercial for what seems to be a great art fair coming up. I can't wait, I have been too lazy to paint anything even though my bare walls are craving for attention. I'm going to try to take a drive to the nearest exhibit at the Oak Lawn Hilton this weekend and hopefully purchase a few pieces. I've been looking for a large piece for my kitchen wall. I've gone to many stores and nothing has inspired me. I did buy new canvas frames in preparation for me to paint the specific image I have in mind. They are sitting in a corner in my office! They've been there for two months now I think. I know I'm not going to dedicate time anytime soon so this weekend hopefully I'll find what I'm looking for.
I just saw a commercial for what seems to be a great art fair coming up. I can't wait, I have been too lazy to paint anything even though my bare walls are craving for attention. I'm going to try to take a drive to the nearest exhibit at the Oak Lawn Hilton this weekend and hopefully purchase a few pieces. I've been looking for a large piece for my kitchen wall. I've gone to many stores and nothing has inspired me. I did buy new canvas frames in preparation for me to paint the specific image I have in mind. They are sitting in a corner in my office! They've been there for two months now I think. I know I'm not going to dedicate time anytime soon so this weekend hopefully I'll find what I'm looking for.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
The Disillusioned SongBird
I realized the reason for my discontent today. My wings have been clipped. That is why some days I feel bright and chipper and other days like today are solemnly gloom. For my wings are an essential part of me. My wings are still there but my feathers have been clipped! I cannot fly for the time being. I am grounded until they are allowed to grow once more. That is the depressing aspect of this all, for my hope and dreams are within my wings and the ability to be able to fly. I do not have the capability to dream. The goodness that comes from optimism for what may be is non-existent for me.
I don't know what will come, and I can't be positive of what will come, because what comes will come and I am here grounded without the hope to fly. My small steps can only take me so far. I had wonderful dreams to travel farther and higher. My wings have been clipped and so have my hopes and dreams. I may be able to grow them again, but until then when I remember my state of being I am saddened for I am grounded without my willing.
I don't know what will come, and I can't be positive of what will come, because what comes will come and I am here grounded without the hope to fly. My small steps can only take me so far. I had wonderful dreams to travel farther and higher. My wings have been clipped and so have my hopes and dreams. I may be able to grow them again, but until then when I remember my state of being I am saddened for I am grounded without my willing.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Back In Business
All day all I've heard through out US news reports is that late night is back in business today, with the writers under the actors guild association union still on strike. I use to watch more late night night shows than I do now, but such hype suckered me into tuning in. I usually flip back and forth between Jay and Leno, he guest were the ones that actually made me stay on one channel. Today I primarily tuned into Jay, and poor Jay suffered a bit. In my opinion is recap of a dating story was too cheesy and disappointed me. Jay is a comedian and had enough time to prepare better material. Perhaps he did it on purpose to get the writers back - who knows. I also caught Conan O'Brien. I sometimes switch to Greg Ferguson, but Conan is the one that usually has a funnier show for me. I think Conan performed well. The show is still going, but his opening monologue was satisfying.
Now to my business at hand...
I am almost done with the new ChicagoPhotos Blog design. You can take a sneak peak at the skeleton from my newly advertised 2008 Calendar. That's right I am selling a desk calendar featuring pictures I've taken of the city of Chicago. Take a look, buy a calendar while your at it ;)
Now to my business at hand...
I am almost done with the new ChicagoPhotos Blog design. You can take a sneak peak at the skeleton from my newly advertised 2008 Calendar. That's right I am selling a desk calendar featuring pictures I've taken of the city of Chicago. Take a look, buy a calendar while your at it ;)

Tuesday, January 01, 2008
The First Day of 2008

Today I spent quite sometime updating the design of my chicago photos blog. I want to make it cleaner and better structured. I also need to make room to add a space to sell my calendar. I created a "Chicago Photos Calendar" for 2008 and will try to sell some copies online. Wish me luck!
I'm hoping to unveil the new design within a few days, but the posting must continue at a more frequent rate. My rambling posting have diminished over the years and I feel the need to express myself freely once more. Welcome 2008, I look forward in sharing my imagination with you.
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