Tuesday's election night was an amazing moment in history that I will remember forever. I wept with many other US spectators and even others watching us from other countries. Barack Obama's speech as usual was inspiring and John McCain was a true gentleman providing a gracious conceding speech. It's true what people kept telling us, no matter what political party you voted for, the election of Barack Obama is historic in a positive way. This past Tuesday, November 4 2008, Dr. Martin Luther King's dream became reality. His children and all of America's children for that matter, witnessed a black man be judged not by the color of his skin but by the content of his character.
I watched in amazement, motionless with tears flowing down my cheeks for several minutes letting the reality sink in. It was truly an emotional night for many. Two days after and I am still emotional. I see clips of others experiencing that event and relating what meaning Obama's election has for them and their children and I get goose-bumps and get teary-eyed. I have always been proud and love my country, I can't help but to keep smiling and keep my head held high with even more pride. -- Thank you!
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