Thursday, November 04, 2004

NIght Owl

El amanecer se espera hasta que la noche termina su fiesta
- Araceli Arroyo
That phrase just came to me this afternoon, translation:
The dawn waits until the night finishes it's party. Sounds nicer in Spanish trust me. Why it came to me I am not sure. I think it was after listening to a friend practice her Spanish by reading the reading material for the class I teach. The phrase itself, however proves that I am a night bird within. It's 1:53 am and I have no desire for sleep, even though I have been awake for 18 1/2 hours. Last night I slept only 4 hours. I know it's not healthy but I can't shake off the idea that sleep is a waste of time. You could do so many other things instead of sleeping, far more entertaining and far more productive. Ok, so writing this crap is not productive but it is more entertaining to me than sleeping.

Oh well have to go to sleep now. Even though I don't want to. My eyes have been fighting to stay open for a while. I have a 9am meeting tomorrow anyway and I will have to wake up extra earlier to prepare for it.

Buenas Noches


Brendan said...

Preach it sister. I could accomplish so much more (and get through so much more DVD bonus material content) if I could train my body not to need sleep.

Unknown said...

lol, heck yeah! Unfortunately the lack of sleep will only allow us to do just that. I wish there were away (without the use of drugs) to stay awake and maintain excellent motor skills and mental ability.

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