Why do people, men in particular, bring up an idea and say we'll do something. Hey maybe this weekend we should do this or hey this sat we should go here. I reply yeah that’s a good idea lets do that. What happens next?
No deal. I didn't get that I'll call you line. We all know what the means - it not going to happen. The thing is - I hate when people mention something and then I get my hopes up. I know, I know, the plans weren't set in stone, but one-day prior it was still the idea.
Am I wrong to want to go through that great original idea? If there was no intention to follow thorough why even bring it up? Yes it would be good to do that thing THIS weekend. Yes it would be cool to go to that place This Saturday. LETS!?! He did say 'this' not 'some', meaning don't get your hopes up it' just a thought. Well I got my hopes up, and now it's Saturday and we didn't do anything and didn't go anywhere. My beef today - you said you would come over - where the hell are you? Ugh I hate these games, where's that phone? I have to make a call and bitch.
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