Thursday, October 21, 2004

Illinois Senate Race

I am watching the Illinois senatorial debate and in doing so I am getting more and more annoyed by Alan Keyes. He's such a pompous thespian wannabe hypocrite. I respect the views from various people but Keys doesn't firmly stand behind them. He spouts out rhetoric in an insulting manner and defends them blindly though the bible. I am a religious person however I don't believe you can accept blindly the interpretation of the man-written book. Well this is getting in far heavier topic than need be. If you live in Illinois please look up where the senate candidates stand on the issues. I hope you can look at any broadcast of the debate and will vote for Barack Obama. I am not a democrat nor republican, I will confess that I am a registered Democrat, but I am a swing voter. In my opinion Barack is the wiser, smarter, solid choice for senate. Here's a snippet of their difference on issues:

Barack Obama
Opposes mandate death penalty for gang members
(I agree they are already eligible and is unnecessary)
Supports abortion
(I don't agree with abortion but support the right of a woman to choose)
Supports stem cell research
(I think for humanity sake we need some further research)
Supports gun control
(item in question was for automatic weapons, I'm on the fence about this one)

Alan Keyes
Opposes all gay/lesbian issues (adoption, birth) even them as a whole.
(he preaches all men and woman are created equal, yet he vilifies gays/lesbians and condemns any right for them.)
Opposes stem cell research
(Keyes doesn't anything to do with stem cells)
Opposes all laws for gun control
(Wants to focus more on law enforcement to resolve gun issues)
Opposes abortion
(indirectly stated that Rowe vs Wade should be over turned)


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