Sunday, October 03, 2004

Cubbies' Dream Over for the Season

I got a great treat from work last Tuesday. I was invited to see a cubs game at wrigley field courtesy of my company. About fifteen of us were treated to skybox seats, stocked with free food and drinks. I'm glad my brother in law's joke-wish of rain didn't come true. I know he was only playing and wish he could go, but when I saw the dark clouds in the morning I distinctly remember his word. "I hope it rains." - OUCH! I had a good time even though. The gma was never close but had fun chatting with my coworkers and OMG that carrot cake from the dessert cat, yum yum. I was upset towards the end when the cubs lost, but was glad I went. That was the first and probably my last time being able to watch a game from the suites. My next goal is to watch from front row, by the dug out.

No home runs from Sosa Posted by Hello

Final Score Posted by Hello

Sadly this weekend they completely lost out of the wildcard race. That's it for this year, season is over. That's such a dissapointment. We could have had a better shot of it this year. We were stocked with great hitters, ugh what a time to get into a hitting slump. Well as the old cliche goes - Wait till next Year!!

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