Monday, February 19, 2007

Web 2.0 Impact Surprised Me

I can admit where I was wrong. I've been reading up on my web 2.0 technology blogs and deemed that it is just interesting information to know for my own interest. I assumed that the industry I am in was very traditional and had no dire need implement web 2.0 technologies, I went as far as to believe that my industry wasn't even affected that much and it was too early to look for any trends.

After reading a few trade articles and blogs I stand corrected. It still holds true that the degree of web 2.0 technology is not in forefront as other online sites, however the web 2.0 design is still being followed. I read a review for a competitor website redesign and was surprised to see that the author noted the use of web 2.0 colors and button structure. Thinking in terms of the look and feel for web 2.0 does make sense! In the age of another boom of new online sites, users are becoming accustomed to the new trend of design. Orange buttons and larger fonts! When other sites don't update their design they truly look dated and out of touch.

My industry may not have the dire need to seek web 2.0 technology - although I now believe that we have a need to keep abreast of the changes and seek opportunities, there is a dire need to implement web 2.0 design.

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