Last night I considered going to the
Barack Omama rally. The hopeful presidential candidate would announce his candidacy today at
UIC campus. I knew that there would be a large crowd and honestly I did not want to face the cold. I still feel a bit sick and although I would have loved to hear him live and take many pictures, I opted to view his speech online, Sure enough
MSNBC has the motivating speech at it's entirety.
As I was viewing it I kept asking myself how? Yes the government is in desperate need of changes but HOW can they be changed?
I remembered a conversation I had last month, after signing up to volunteer for another year at the
USHLI conference. This year I worked with a new organizer rep, and so asked him a few questions to get to know him better. He informed me that worked at the last senate campaign race. I don't know why assumed that he worked on the
Obama campaign. He quickly said no, and asked what my opinion was of
Obama. I said I was a fan and as soon as I did he quickly reminded me that
Barack signed in favor of the immigrant reform Bill that the republicans tried to push through last year. If you recall this bill included constructing a wall at the US/Mexico border, placing
illegal immigrants in criminal status and other items I blogged about before. I believed that bill to be too harsh and a waste of funding. I agree that a better solution needs to be conceived, but that proposition was not the answer.
Nevertheless, I am inspired after hearing
Obama speak. He has a knack of raising hope for a better future. Today I tried not to be blinded and probably the reason why I ask for a strategy plan that will attain those reforms that
Obama seeks. I know it is too early to request such details, and so I look forward to the presidential debates. For now all the candidates have my attention.