I headed back cursing that security guy in my head. He saw me approach and probably saw the disgusted look n my face. He stared at me as I approached closer, to which I spoke up and said- "you sent me to the wrong direction, I need the blue line. I didn't even wait for his reaction and scanned my pass on the turn style. The other security guy who was standing next to him did manage to raise a smile out of me. He said - I'll let you ride free if you slap him. I smiled and said, no that's ok I don't want to get arrested.
I scurried down the flight of steps and waited for my train, while being serenaded by a drunken street performer singing "unforgettable" AND "New York, New York".
The train arrive I think with 10 minutes or so and actually wasn't too long in arriving to the airport. All in all I think the train ride took a full hour. I was going to have to make a quick dash to check in and go through security, but I was sure I was going to make it on time.
I would have loved to have boarded on time. As it turns out, I was on time - but my flight was not. There is a delay of a full hour and 10 minutes. PEACHY!
I went back towards the eating area and grabbed a bite to eat. I might as well as well make my tummy happy.
I often thought that I would enjoy a job where I got to travel often. I think I am now changing my mind. My flight has been delayed three times now for a delay now of two hours. The scary thing is that a flight was just announced to be canceled. Apparently there will be no more flights to Dallas tonight because of bad thunderstorm weather in the area. Knowing that my flight is headed west I am a bit scared and fear that my flight might also be cancelled or delayed even further. I am sure I rather not depart at all if the route will be too risky. God knows I rather get there late than never.
The good thing I guess is that there is a crew from the gate I am scheduled to leave from. They seem very busy but no cancellations as of yet. Another positive I suppose is that I live here. Apparently all the nearby hotels are booked and thus the airport is setting up cots in one of the gates for the stranded passengers. It's strange to see that the Chicago sky has cleared and is rather fair. We however cannot depart. Yeah I don't think I could do this on a regular basis. I don't like sleeping and believe it to be unproductive, this is much worse. I have half an hour before departing on the last updated time, and now have to go to the washroom. I debate whether to wait it out or head over and risk losing my seat that has the adjacent outlet, which took me a while to snag.
As I see many people lying down near me and others lounging around trying to get comfortable I wish I had dressed down as well and wore my flip-flops. It is true what they say - Americans are the sloppiest looking travelers but there is a reason for the madness, and what is a better excuse than being comfortable. American's are known for the life of comfort, why do you think there is such a high rate of obesity throughout the nation? People are comfortable sitting on their fat asses and not doing anything but getting more comfortable and gaining weight while they do so.
After only sleeping three and a half hour last night I am ready to fall asleep in the middle of this terminal. I think I may knock out for the entire flight. I will at least try, that is if I can board tonight.
Woohoo 6:44 and they are now boarding!!!
It is 10:20 pm I am finally aboard my flight heading towards San Jose.
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