After 10 minutes I thought I felt OK to sit upright again. I just felt a little nauseous but the dizziness was no more. I walked to the snack table and began to drink some juice when I felt the lightheadedness come back once more. I told the volunteer who then called the nurses. Within a few seconds I was in vertigo! They say I might have actually passed out for a few seconds. I remember feeling my heart racing even faster than before and I remember saying "make it stop, make it stop!" I might have been shouting that. Everything darkened and I saw blurry shadows, the voices echoed and I heard them farther and farther away. My fingers began to clench and tingle. I recall a girl being amazed and tried to make me laugh. She mentioned that she heard how it felt and that I should just let myself go and embrace it. I immediately responded "No!" it felt horrible. I vaguely remember around four people holding me up with ice packs all over. I think everything was pitch black for a few seconds and slowly my vision began to come back. I still felt dizzy, nauseous, numb and out of breath. Again I had to lay down this time for several more minutes with ice packs all over.

Wow, that sounded intense. I've been donating regularly for the last six years and have had a few bad reactions (lightheadedness and tingling fingers), but it's only taken raising my feet and packing in the ice to get me in the clear.
Have you been under a lot of stress lately? The one time I crashed kinda hard I was under a lot of stress at work - wasn't sleeping well - the nurse told me that could have contributed to my reaction.
Hope things are better for you, and I hope you do go back and try donating again.
I don't think I was stressed. Actually I think the reason I had such a bad reaction was because I am just getting over a bad flu. I think I was probably still weak, and because I had just eaten lunch minutes before donating blood. I don't think I gave it enough time to settle in. The morning was pretty busy. I will donate again, that's for sure. I just want to let time pass a bit so the experience is not as present in memory.
I had a simular experience. I could feel the life going out of me. I got lightheaded, then sounds sounded very far away. Then suddenly I was laughing (no idea why), but that soon left then I felt again the life going out of me. I truely believe that I was going to die. Im sure that is what it feels like to bleed to death. They put me upside down, ice on the head etc.....
I'll never donate again. I think some of us have less blood than others. And loosing that amt could kill us.
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