Wednesday, April 05, 2006

One Sick Standby Juror

The weather change affected my immune system again. I think I go through this every year. I get hit with a flu bug and it literally knocks me out. I've been sick for the third day today and had to call off work and was in bed rest all day. Yesterday I came home early and cancelled plans I had last night. Anyone that knows me, knows that I hate not keeping busy. Shhh - I'm not fond of sleeping either. I was fearing a fourth day of illness and reporting to Jury duty. Don't get me wrong I am the first person to fufill my civic duties, but feeling as crappy as I do that was not something I was looking forward to. I called in the number as directed by the standby juror summons and was relieved to know that I did not have to go in after all. For once I am glad my last name began with an 'A', since they were accepting those from 'G' on.

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