I had a strange dream this morning. There were many things that happened in the dream but the part that was more vivid and disturbing for me was the sight of a black moth. I believe I was in my bedroom or my kitchen but somewhere I saw a black thing flicker. I turned to look at it more closely and discovered it was actually a huge black moth. It startled me initially and I jumped a bit. I then looked to find something to swat it with. I think I grabbed a wet cloth from the kitchen. When I was about swat it, I was startled again at the sight of a bright yellow bird trying to attack it. I stepped back and hoped the bird would do the dirty work for me. The colorful creature pecked at it and hurt one of it's wings, but the moth escaped. It came towards me and I swat it down. The bird then came in like a falcon swooping towards it's prey and finished him off. As I stared at the savageness of the kill my phone rang and woke me up.
I love dreaming, even having nightmares. It's been a while since I remembered one of my dreams. I use to remember many more dreams, it's been a while since I remembered something as vividly as today's dream. Sometimes I like reading into them. Dreams are supposedly a subconscious indication of yourself. Others believe them as warning foretelling things in your life. I remember when I was a kid my mom had superstitions with a black moth. I don't recall exactly what they would bring but I remember it was something bad.
I cannot know for certain if dreaming black moths signify bad luck, or if they are warning of bad things to come. What I do know with certainty is that something horrible coincidentally did happen today. My uncle's house burned down completely. They've had a series of bad days this past week. Today was just plain horrible. I don't want to get into detail because I still feel sad about it. As a family however we will stick together and make it through. We will be that bright yellow bird for them helping whenever necessary.
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