LinkedIn.com is an online social network of, 'more than 13 million experienced professionals from around the world, representing 150 industries.' I've been a member for a while now and had not come across any other politician campaign. I have not decided who to vote for yet, even though I am a Barack Obama fan as you might know from previous posts. I will finally admit - I am a swing voter. I like to know my candidates from both parties and make a decision based on the views of many issues from each candidate and factor many other items before making a decision. That being said I added Obama to my LinkedIn Profile and placed the badge promoting his campaign. Hey if I receive another invite from other politicians I may consider adding them as well. Again - kudos on marketing this campaign.
For those interested...
Join Barack's Official profile at www.linkedin.com/in/barackobama. If you are already a LinkedIn member, simply click on the "Obama'08"

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