Thursday, July 28, 2005

Those that need to hear the sound of their own voice!

Honesty, I am not one those people that need to hear their own voice! Frankly sometimes my own voice annoys me, it sounds like the voice of a child at times to me. Anyway - I was perusing through the new applications availble for blogs and I came across this nice enhancement. Audioblogging, from! I think it's only available for blogger subscribers.

I swear I felt like someone read my mind. There are times when I want to purchase a small voice recorder to remember things later. When I was younger the thoughts I wanted to record were song verses that came to me, or simply words that just sounded good together. Now I have no idea what I would want to record but I like the possibility and the option to do so now. I was curious and signed up! The post was instantaneous. As soon as I hung up (You dial in via phone to make your audio entry) I checked the posting and there it was.

Are you curious what I said? You really shouldn't be, it's a lame audio clip. Listen to my first audio post!
this is an audio post - click to play

I know, I know..I should stick to photography.

1 comment:

Brendan said...

I listened to your first audio post and will be interested in hearing what "profound" things you will have to say in the future.