Saturday, May 12, 2007

In Front of the Chicago Theater During Looptopia

Chicago Looptopia - In Front of the Chicago Theater
Last night was fun, cold but entertaining, After a long day of work my friend Lidia and I met up around 7pm and headed towards the Looptopia designated spots. It was interesting to see outdoor performances. I really enjoyed seeing many people out and about walking through the downtown streets long after business hours. That is something that I never understood from out main city area. Of course it didn't compare to New York, Paris or Mexico late night downtown traffic, but at least it was a step in that direction. I am a truly a city girl and want that for my city.

I didn't stay till the 5am end mark, we met a few additional friends for a late dinner and then I left shortly before midnight. From what I heard toward the late-late post midnight hours things got a bit rowdy and perhaps that city wasn't as well prepared. That surprised me knowing that many more students live in the loop, law enforcement should have known better.

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