to advance a constructive debate on immigration reform in the United States.
If there is consensus on any one element of the nation’s difficult debate on immigration, it is that our nation’s immigration system is broken and badly in need of reform. It is also clear that, in this nation of immigrants, this debate is challenging, complex, and often deeply emotional. Reasonable people can and do differ in their views on the best way to reform our immigration laws; however, it is also true that the nation is best served by a debate in which these views can be brought forward in a civil, respectful manner.
We wear white ribbons to show our strong support for the goal of achieving a thoughtful, rational, and respectful debate on the complex issue of immigration reform which leads the country toward solutions rather than further division and frustration. We deplore the use of violence, intimidation, threats, and the spread of fear, hatred, and divisiveness as tools and tactics on immigration or any issue. We encourage others to join the White Ribbon Campaign as a demonstration of the value of reflection and thoughtful dialogue as a way to advance this debate in a manner that strengthens our country, rejects fear and hate, and helps Americans arrive at solutions to complex problems.