Thursday, July 13, 2006

Chicago up for the 2016 Olympics?

By the end of the week, Chicagoans may know if their city is considered a top U.S. contender to host the 2016 Olympics. ABC7 has learned the Olympic committee could drop several of the nominees pushing Chicago to the top of the list.
The U.S. Olympic Committee told Chicago committee leaders they expected to narrow the field of five cities competing for the games to two or possibly three by either the end of this week or early next week. Committee members are reluctant to talk about the bid publicly, but we are getting the first look at part of the presentation they used to try to sell Chicago.
Chicago is competing against Philadelpia, Houston, Los Angeles and San Francisco for the chance to bid on the 2016 games. And committee leaders believe Chicago stands a strong chance. | source:ABC7Chicago
How awesome would this be? It's hard to imagine what city I will be in 10 years from now, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this. Having the Olympics here will truly be good for the city of Chicago.

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