Excerpt from a private entry almost a Little over year ago:
October 1, 2006
I feel happy and I love the fact that I can acknowledge it and enjoy it before it passes me by. Many times before this feeling of utter content passed by unseen and unnoticed until the other extreme of sadness took it's place.I've been on a cheerful streak these past few days. I even purchase a pot of chrysanthemums last night. I would have bought a bouquet, but I rather not let the flowers die. I am only hopeful this happy mood persist for a longer period of time.
Why is it that we quickly notice and take hold of the sad times and not take the time to enjoy the moments of true happiness? With the exceptions of grand parties such as weddings there really isn't time set a side to enjoy the moment.
I usually always try to take time to smell the roses - literally and metaphorically. Most of the times that I have taken such a time have only been literally. I have no roses to smell right now but I sure am taking the time to smell the metaphorical ones and they smell WONDERFUL!