Friday, August 11, 2006

Hola Desde Madrid

I am into my third day here in Spain and all in all it had been a sightseeing frenzy. My friend Lid ("Tapadera") and I have been walking all over Madrid exploring to what feels like every nook and cranny. The architecture has been amazing to gaze at. We have been into beautiful palaces, gardens, museums and ate yummy Spanish food. The wine I had thus far hasn't tasted as well as I expected. However, more the reason to go on a hunt and drink more wine.

Lidi's food has been bland to her taste buds, but she recovered while flirting with a very young short Spaniard. (We think) She felt pressured to finish her 2 course meal - and I thought I ate slow - she has me beat. She claims to savor her food, however she was displeased by her gazpacho being cold - then realized IT"S supposed to be cold. J/K she's just silly that way. I enjoyed my paella, but perhaps it was because I haven't had one in a very long time, truth be told it was probably dry as Lids told me so. (Although she's never tasted paella before in her life)

Some guys are really nice to look at, but over all they aren't that friendly. The vendors are actually a bit intimidating. They quickly scold for not placing a book perfectly perpendicular to the bottom pile. I hate that damn Spaniard!
J/K - I bought some cheap souvenirs from him. Lids continued her flirting extravaganza with a street performer, I have the picture to prove it. I won't post it but ask me about it later.

Anyway the time here is 3:45 am - what the hell are we doing up! Actually the people here do everything later than expected. The good news is that the streets are filled with people at very late hours, so staying up and being out is more fun that way, and probably safer. Gotta go, to be continued.

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