Sunday, March 02, 2014

Oscar Picks

I entered many ballots, here is the latest..

I felt very conflicted on many of my picks for who I thought should win and who I thought would get selected to win.

Best Picture - I was most entertained with American Hustle and also thought directing of all the various actors was a great undertaking in it of itself - But I think Best Director will go to Martin Scorsese for Wolf of Wall Street.

Best Actor I was torn between Bale and McConaughey - I think they will give it to Matthew McConaughey

Best Actress, was toughest choice for me for different reasons. Sandra Bullock held the entire picture practically by herself. For most of the film it was only her character that had to maintain the suspense and entertainment of the film, Bullock did a great job to do so.  Blanchett was great at playing neurotic troubled woman, but found the character role itself predictable on only on two gears - crazy or numb, with no in-between emotions. I think who should win is Meryl Streep.  I know she was won many already, but she does an excellent job at choosing meaty roles.  She is un recognizable and raw in August Osage County - I think they will give it to Cate Blanchett.

Supporting Actress - I was surprised at Roberts performance and am satisfied with getting an Oscar nomination. Lawrence was great but not enough for an Oscar this year.  Squibb stole the movie in Nebraska but the wining performance should and will probably go to Lupita Nyong'o.

Supporting Actor - Great performances for all the nominees.  This was another I was very conflicted with.  New comer Barkhad Abdi is amazing, Hill captured the character perfectly, Cooper was crazy, Fassbender plays a cruel soul like no other but I believe Jared Leto will win for his excellent rendition of Rayon, his character in Dallas Buyers club.

See my complete official ballot picks -