Thursday, August 05, 2004

Movie Review - Bourne Supremacy ***1/2

Bourne Again - Good Again

The story from this sequel was actually better than the first. It was an intense movie that had you and didn't give out it's entire plot as many blockbuster movies do within the firat 15 minutes of the movie. Within the first 15 minutes of this movie you actually get a surprise twist.

I agree with many of the other reviews for Bourne Supremacy. They story is Great the Acting is Great, Matt Damon NICE

The non traditional camera action could have been better if not used in the fighting sequences and the car chase. I can see how sometimes directors prefer this in order to get a closer look or a feeling that you are the one actually seeing things. When it comes to fighting and chasing cars though, I want to see everything, having snipets of the impact shots goes gar more instead.

Visit this review & other movie reviews from me - celikins @ | Bourne Supremacy

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